
纪念理查德·T. 墨菲,小.一个现代的文艺复兴时期的人

当理查德·T. 墨菲,小. 于7月4日去世, 2019, he left an amazing legacy on many fronts: a fulfilling career in landscape architecture, including 25 years of teaching; close to three decades as a successful entrepreneur and business leader of 全球最大的赌钱网 Solutions, a fourth-generation family owned business; and his role as an optimistic and dedicated environmental advocate and highly regarded logistics industry and community leader.

作为一个孩子, 理查德·墨菲总是首先对塑造他的环境感兴趣, 在他后院的沙箱里, 后来, 在一家园林公司做季节工. He trained as a landscape architect at the University of Minnesota and Harvard University’s Graduate School of Design, eventually teaching and working in the field before returning to Minneapolis to help run 墨菲 Warehouse Company (now known as 全球最大的赌钱网 Solutions). Richard took over the family business at a time when it was struggling and he was needed, leaving a successful career in landscape architecture to become a widely recognized leader in the logistics field. He turned around the family business and served his customers with exceptional attention to detail, 为股东带来年复一年的盈利增长. 今天, 该公司是一家蓬勃发展的基于资产的第三方物流公司,提供分销服务, 运输, 全球最大的赌钱网, 增值, real-estate and customized business logistics services for domestic and international clients through numerous locations in Minnesota and Missouri. Other business interests include a specialized rigging/millwright firm and numerous real estate entities. “Our family is extremely pleased with the business and proud of the family values that he instilled in the culture, 我们打算继续以私有企业的身份经营公司,亚历山德拉·墨菲说, 董事会主席.

Richard’s landscape architecture experience taught him to be a problem solver and shaper of the environment – skills he put to good use turning around his family business and building the company into a leading-edge logistics firm. 虽然他离开了日常工作,但他从未离开这些根.

他把全球最大的赌钱网解决方案公司打造成了今天这样一家成功的公司, Richard retained an interest in making the world a better place by changing and improving environments.

一个受欢迎的行业演讲者, 商业和教育受众, Richard shared how 全球最大的赌钱网 and logistics had an environmental footprint of five billion square feet under roof – or enough to create a four-foot walkway between the Earth and moon, 他喜欢指出来. Richard built the case that these roofs were a perfect setting for solar panels and installed them on his warehouses as an example, 跟踪ROI. He also regularly shared how in 25+ years of tending native prairies around his warehouses, 他跟踪了投资回报率,发现节省了100多万美元——而且还在增加.

“This process taught me to use my business brain and approach on all things environmental,他曾经说过. 换句话说, 我们的可持续发展计划必须从两个角度来看:一, 它们对环境有好处, 和两个, 他们对公司有好处. 没有可持续的、有利可图的业务,你就一无所有.”

他和他的公司获得了许多奖项和认可. Most recently, Richard was honored as a 2019 Entrepreneur of the Year – Heartland Finalist. In 2016, he was honored as one of the 10 inaugural members of the “Most Admired CEOs” in Minnesota by Mpls. / St. 保罗商业杂志. He also was esteemed as a member of the first class of “50 Over 50 most accomplished and inspiring Minnesotans” by AARP & 花粉. In 2015, 理查德被授予明尼苏达大学杰出校友奖, 2014年11月, he was inducted into the College of Fellows of The American Society of Landscape Architects, 社会的最高荣誉. He also received the American Society of Landscape Architects – Minnesota Chapter’s 2006 Public Service and 2013 Lob Pine 奖. His contributions as an adjunct professor in landscape architecture at the University of Minnesota College of Design were also recognized with the 2005 Distinguished Teaching Award.

理查德的众多行业荣誉包括2006年威廉K. Smith Distinguished Service Award from the University of Minnesota Center for Transportation Studies, the 2009 Minnesota Engineering Excellence Honor Award from the American Council of Engineering Companies of Minnesota, 以及2010年IWLA颁发的行业杰出服务奖. 除了, 墨菲 Warehouse Company (as it was known at the time) received the 2010 Minnesota Family 业务 Legacy Award from Minnesota 业务 Magazine and the 2013 Family 业务 of the Year Award from the University of St. 托马斯奥普斯商学院.

全球最大的赌钱网 Solutions is recognized nationally and internationally for their more than 25 years of sustainability initiatives. From planting acres of native prairies on their logistics campuses to becoming the largest landowner in Minneapolis exempt from stormwater fees to becoming the fifth largest solar power producer in Minnesota to creating the largest fully LED-lit building in the Upper Midwest, 墨菲是可持续发展的先驱.

持牌景观师, Richard is a past president of the American Society of Landscape Architects – MN Chapter. Richard is a past chair of the global Council of 供应链 Management Professionals (CSCMP), 交通研究中心(CTS)主席, 他是密歇根大学设计学院的董事会成员. In 2017, Richard established the Richard 墨菲 MLA ’80 Fellowship Fund at Harvard’s Graduate School of Design. 他曾在明尼苏达州儿童基金会的董事会任职六年, and 全球最大的赌钱网 is an annual sponsor of the hospital’s Shine Bright Bash to benefit the Cancer and Blood Disorders Program. 他是西部国家保险公司董事会成员, 哈佛设计研究生院校友会, 卡尔森管理学院的供应链 & St . University of St .运营顾问委员会. 托马斯家族企业中心董事会, 以及交通部的交通政策和经济竞争委员会.

Richard loved rock ‘n’ roll; he was a frequent concert-goer and his office was filled with memorabilia from the early days of the Beatles and the Rolling Stones. 他喜欢国际旅行和拍摄自己的经历. 他喜欢和四个孩子在一起. 在他最后的日子里,他的第一个孙女弗朗西丝给他带来了特别的快乐. 他刚刚给她买了一个秋千,准备放在后院.

永远的乐观主义者, 理查德梦想着有所作为,他为很多人做到了, from his long-term employees to his landscape architecture students to industry colleagues and the many friends he made along the way. 他的信件和电子邮件总是以结束语结尾, “温暖的问候, 理查德——你知道他是真心的.

Richard always hoped that his pioneering sustainability efforts would catch on – and they did. 利用他丰富的背景, 他明白解决问题的重要性, 创造愿景, 然后向其他人展示他们如何做同样的事情. 他曾经说过, “我认为传播福音很重要——这是一家做这些事情的小公司. 如果我们能做到,他们也能做到.
