

仓储和配送是每个供应链的关键部分. 当涉及到食品相关产品时, there are much more stringent and regulated 流程 and requirements to consider. 出于这个原因, partnering with a food grade warehouse is vital to not only your success as a food industry distributor, 生产商, 制造商, 或零售商.  

正如前面提到的, food grade supply chains have strict requirements to ensure food safety and efficient 存储 and distribution 流程. 而像服装或玩具这样的产品对消费者来说有一个复杂的过程, 食品通常有更多的步骤. 食物 grade warehousing is a huge part of the supply chain and food safety is paramount for food industry companies and consumers. 

而食品级仓储有很多要求, established and proven companies such as 全球最大的赌钱网 have the experience and expertise to safely and successfully store and deliver all types of food products.

Below you will find some of the most important information to understand if you work in, 或者正在考虑开始工作, 在食品相关行业.



First, we should better understand the different types of products that make up 食品级仓储 和物流. Knowing the difference between these categories will help you better determine what food grade logistics partner to work with. 因为食品的性质, 这些物品中的大多数都需要温度控制和仔细调节. They may also require extra controls over the 存储 environment, such as humidity and 虫害控制.


成品食品是被制造出来的产品, 打包, and are ready for the shelves of a grocery store or to be shipped directly to consumers. 简单地说, finished food products are items that have gone through the entire manufacturing process but have not yet been sold to a final consumer. These items often need a place to be stored until they are needed at the retailer. 手头有足够的库存,但不要太多,是成功的关键部分.


食物 ingredients are any item that goes into finished foods during the manufacturing process. Any substance that is added to food in order to produce a desired outcome is considered an ingredient. 食品添加剂, which are compounds added to food for particular technical and/or functional goals during processing, 存储, 或包装, 是否包含在“食品成分”一词下. 食物 ingredients come in various packaging options and are typically stored on pallets. 食品配料物流 calls for the transportation and 存储 of products by experienced teams that know how to safely handle them.


Fresh food has a different set of requirements and shelf life than food ingredients or finished goods. Fresh foods will typically have less packaging and sometimes need to be 冷藏 or frozen. Special frigerated or freezer rooms house products in clean, safe environments. Caution must be taken to ensure there is no cross-contamination from the different items being stored in food grade warehouses, 因此,与一家值得信赖的公司合作非常重要.


有机食品有多种形式,从新鲜食品到包装食品. “有机食品”这个词,生态食品,” and “biologic food” refers to foods and beverages made using practices that adhere to the norms of organic farming. 虽然标准因国而异, 有机农业包括资源循环利用的技术, 促进生态平衡, 保护生物多样性. Organic food 存储 has extra requirements to keep it from cross-contamination with non-organic food. 处理有机食品的全球最大的赌钱网需要额外的认证.


不同种类的食物都有独特的要求, 一个经验丰富的全球最大的赌钱网团队是确保效率和食品安全的必要条件. 食品级全球最大的赌钱网是一个定制的设施,为环境提供空间, 冷藏, 以及食品的冷冻储存. 

Warehouses that handle food must be vigilant about food safety and efficiency, 为了跟上专业化的分销需求. Finding a strong team to work with is important to ensure that your food supply chain stays running at peak performance. 在寻找食品级储存设施时,参观是很重要的, 与团队见面, 审核认证, 并了解全球最大的赌钱网的库存管理系统.


在食品级全球最大的赌钱网进行操作, facilities must have special 认证 that prove that they provide a safe environment for food 存储. The purpose of food 存储 warehouse 标准 is to shield the general public from consuming tainted food and beverages. 每一个生产, 流程, 或食品或饮料商店都需要在食品及药物管理局注册, 每三年接受一次检查, 并同意遵守一套规则. 食物-grade warehouses go through third-party audits with requirements such as quality tests, 虫害控制, 甚至微小的细节,如湿度和温度监测. 

One of the most common food 认证 is Safe Quality 食物 (SQF) which is monitored by the 食品及药物管理局/USDA. Some private companies will accept food 认证 in lieu of their own audits, while other companies go through a strict audit process to work with any third-party warehouse for food 存储.

因为食品处理安全问题的严重性, all of the 食品级仓储 facilities at 全球最大的赌钱网 are 食品及药物管理局/USDA certified. 为了我们客户的利益, 墨菲遵守美国农业部的所有规定, 食品及药物管理局, 和HACCP规定的安全食品级储存.


食品物流 食品级仓储需要非常小心和注意细节. 食物 distribution can vary and may include options for handling food products from the 制造商 to a 存储 warehouse, 以及产品到零售商全球最大的赌钱网的最终交付, 配送中心, 甚至是杂货店. Other distribution 流程 include shipping food ingredients to manufacturing facilities to be finished. 食品的配送通常以整托盘的数量完成, 然而, 案例选择和单个项目选择项目也很常见.


到2025年, 食品和饮料仓储市场预计将增加2110亿美元. Selecting a 食品级仓储 partner is a key step for any food industry business. By now we hope you understand that to ensure you choose the best provider for your company while looking for 食品级仓储, 有许多重要的因素需要检查. 让你更容易做出决定, you may consider several questions while evaluating a 食品级仓储 partner. 其中可能包括;

  • 你的货物能在全球最大的赌钱网里快速有效地移动吗?
  • 这个设施处于什么状态? 墙壁或窗户有裂缝或洞吗? 湿度和温度控制一般如何?
  • Does the warehouse have a 虫害控制 strategy that includes risk reduction and steps for dealing with an infestation or outbreak of pests?
  • 大楼整洁有序吗? 你注意到这栋楼里有真菌或细菌的迹象吗?
  • 你和食品级全球最大的赌钱网的团队沟通的怎么样?

有了这些答案, you will be ready to shorten your list or make a final decision about who to work with for your food logistics. You should look at a possible 食品级仓储 provider’s general capabilities, 认证, 标准, 流程, 以及为他人管理食品级产品的经验记录. It may also make perfect sense to see the facility in order to directly assess how strictly the rules are followed and to feel at ease with the provider.

如果你想了解更多关于食品级储存设施, 联系墨菲的食物团队 仓储物流 有问题的专家. We operate numerous food-grade facilities throughout Minnesota and Missouri and have the experience and professionalism to take care of your needs.